Equine Management (B.Sc.)
Bachelor Degree Program
Nuertingen-Geislingen University offers at its campus in Nuertingen the degree program Equine Management. It leads to the degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).
HfWU and it's degree program Equine Management work in close cooperation with renowned institutions such as the centre of excellence of horse breeding and horse keeping in Marbach, the Marbach Stud and Fink Planning Agency in Aufkirchen. First hand experience, practical presentations and demonstrations in combination with scientific lectures characterize this degree program. Lecturers from the sports and breeding business share their practical experience.
The study program is characterized by:
- practical and hands on lectures
- Professors and lecturers with long lasting business experience
- Assignments and project work in small teams
- 2 experimental facilities close by
- Research projects
- Cooperation with the Marbach Stud Marbach in Lehre und Forschung
- Close cooperation with the center of competence of horse breeding and horse keeping in Marbach
- Cooperation with nationwide facilities and organizations in of horse breeding, horse keeping and horseracing
- International cooperations